Deployment sadness :(

So these last couple of months of this deployment seems to want to bring out the worst in me...
I cant sleep let alone have a normal appetite. I find myself thinking about the craziest things and having the most disturbing nightmares.
I am pulling myself away from everyone and trying to draw myself closer to my husband as much as possible.
Even though that may feel like the right thing to do right now... i know its not fair.
Its not fair to my friends and other family members that I know still need me there.
Deployments are not easy & I didnt intend on them to be a cake walk.
But I feel like I am walking on egg shells just to get by everyday.
I feel that if I say one little thing wrong its going to spark problems.
Thats not fair.. No one asks to be 10,000 miles away from their spouse every year for 7 months or longer.
I didnt grow up thinking I was going to marry a man that I only see a few months out of the whole year.
I didnt think I would live a life that only a few people would understand how it REALLY is. But this crazy, beautiful, awesome, lonley, amazing life that I call unfair sometimes is something I wouldn't change for the world!!! 

March 6th... Best day of my life!

....As we took eachothers hands, exchanged rings and stared into one anothers eyes nothnig but happiness came over me!
It was really the best day of my life! 
It feels amazing to know that we are finally starting our life together as one!!
There is no better man that I want to spent the rest of my life with. You really are my soulmate. 
My best friend. 
My lover. 
My partner for life. 
My hero. 
And My future children's Father!
You are my everything! 
I couldnt be more proud to be your wife and your partner for the rest of our lifes! 
I love you baby!!