Our story...

...from the start!

Today, my husband and I are happier then we have EVER been! We are about a month into my husband's third deployment and our second, married. Our journey together all started when a close family friend introduced us in early 2008. I was coming out of an intense high school relationship and wasn't fond of where I was in the world. I was lost and was on a mission to find out who I was again! We began talking in March of 2008! He flew me out to Hawaii for a two week visit in October of 08. We had the most amazing time together! I fell head over heels in love with this man! I just knew I was going to marry him! 

In November Jonathon's (mother) family asked me to move to Tennessee so I could get to know them better and plan a extravagant surprise for Jon! I was in Tennessee for over a month without Jon knowing. His mom and I hit it off like we had known each other forever! We had a good time and were so excited for Jon to be coming in! In early December Jon was approved for leave and was coming home (to Tennessee) for the month to celebrate Christmas! Jon had no idea I was there or that I was planning on surprising him at the airport! We got to the airport and stood around anxiously waiting for his plane to unload. I hid behind a wall while Jon's step-dad met him half way to show him pictures of thanksgiving. (I was in those pictures) Just as they were coming off the escalator Jon saw a picture of me and his mom. I just jumped out and hugged him harder then I ever had! I missed him more then anything! He was completely shocked and VERY happy! :)
We had an amazing couple weeks with endless love in the air! We went on late-night drives together, went hottubbing at his parents, pigged out on junk food and most of all ENJOYED each other! A few days before Christmas we ended up going to The Lost sea! I had been wanting to go there since he mentioned it when we first started talking! Its one of the biggest caves in the world with a never ending (haven't found the end of it) lake inside of it that they call "the lost sea." 
I thought it was just going to be a family get together for all of us to enjoy. But to much of my surprise it was WAY more then that! In the middle of the cave where the tour guide shuts the lights off to show everyone how dark it is changed my life forever! When the lights came back on I turned out around my find my husband on one knee with my engagement ring in his hand. After giving one AMAZING speech he asked those famous 4 words! "WILL YOU MARRY ME?" I started crying before I could even mutter the word "YES." But I managed. :) I finished the rest of tour in my own 'la-la' land! I couldnt stop smiling or looking at my beautiful PERFECT ring! 
Before The tour...
After the fact! I was Shocked! :)
Sooo Happy!!!
It was wasn't long after our December engagement that we decided to get married! Hubby flew back Hawaii the first week of January and I follow two weeks later. We had an amazing time together and didn't want to be away from each other anymore. Hubby left for Training in February and we got married on March 6th 2009!! We had a private ceremony with me and my hubby and then got pictures done on the beach. We didn't want anything big and decided to wait to have a wedding/reception until our vow renewal on our 5 year anniversary.
1st day of our new adventure TOGETHER.
He makes me feel like the luckiest girl...

Best day of our life! 

...The rest history from there!