Seattle Aquarium & Family visit

Last Sunday was a G R E A T dayyy!! I went up to Booney Lake to visit my Brother Kyle & his parents (Carol & Tim) with my Tip Pee, his wife and two daughters (Julie & Sarah)! They are the cutest girls and even though I am technically a cousin to them they call me "Tia" :) We had a awesome time together! Had some great home cooked food that Carol made and then also went up to Seattle and spent the day at the aquarium and Arcade! It was good to be a kid again and the girls had a blast! I took tons of pictures but here are a few:
I havent seen my brother in so0o0 many years! I am so blessed that no matter how far or how long we go without speaking he will always be my big brother that I can proudly look up to for a n y t h i n g in life!

My Tio Y Tio are the best! I couldn't E V E R have a better support system on my Father's side! I am very lucky to have them in my life! Carol & Tim are angels! MY brother has the B e s t parents a boy could ask for! They couldnt have raised Kyle any better and I am so thankful for that! I love them just as my parents!
We had an awesome time! I cant wait to go up again and spend a few days up there! Im so0o excited!! On top of the aquarium- we went to the Arcade and rode the carousel with the girls! I'll post a video below! :)

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