Our Angels...

In April of 2009 a couple weeks after Jonathon left for his 2nd deployment I found out we were expecting a beautiful baby! The first week of May I had the devastating experience of miscarrying caused (most likely) by a ruptured ovarian cyst. I was only about 6 weeks. Medical problems after medical problem throughout the month just kept on coming. My husband was sent back to the US while I was in recovery to help me out. He was home 10 days before being sent back.
In October of 2009 it was homecoming time! Jon's flight was delayed 4 extra days because of problems in India. Finally he was home by the 20th! It was the best homecoming ever! In November I was having mood swings like no other! Jonathon randomly came home with two EPT tests and ordered me to take them! lol. I didn't believe I could be pregnant because of what had happened just a few months prior plus he JUST got home! But, I took one the next morning and another a week later &...

To much of my surprise they were positive!
These were taken a week apart.
We were both very, very excited! I didn't tell him right away but he knew something was up! I told him it was nothing and we went on with the day. The next morning I put the test next to his video game controller because I knew that was the first place he would go since we had no plans, that day. He had the most giddiest grin on his face! He was so excited! He look at it smiled and then said to me "I told you so!" We were told that I got pregnant within HOURS (couple days) of homecoming! What an awesome homecoming gift right?! :D

I was so happy I caught his expression...
I loved his face!
Not even a week after finding out the good news I was already having complications. I was seen at the ER and was told everything was "fine" and "not to worry".
5-6 weeks.

7 or so weeks. 

Right before Christmas Leave I awoke one morning to horrific pains and spotting and only worsened through the hours. While Jonathon was stuck at work I was taken to the hospital by ambulance find out that the baby's heart beat had dropped extremely low. After Jonathon got to the hospital and I was admitted we were told that the baby was not going to make it. After asking to be released we went home and spent the night in each others arms. I ended up miscarrying the next morning.
I couldn't ask for a better support system: my husband and our military family! We both had a very hard time with this loss but we know that our babies are in heaven and we will see them again one day! God has a plan for everyone and we may not always know what that is right now. But I do know that it will all make sense one day!
