My Love, Jonathon Nale

As I have gotten older, I have hung out with guys, ive dated, & I have fell in love.. well to the piont where I thought it was love. But had no idea otherwise. I have had my heart broke and probably broke some along the way as well. But it has been totally worth this long journey to find my soul mate or in other words my special someone.

I recently fell in love with this guy that I feel completely different about and actually want to spend a long time with if not the rest of my life. Now this is called love. He goes by the name of... Jonathon Christian Nale. This guy has been there for me so far, through thick and thin. And trust me as some of you know, it has gotten pretty thick. But on flip side, my life is slowly getting better day by day. And one person I can thank.. is him.

He is the most amazing, courageous, wonderful most up beat person I have ever met. If it wasnt for him I dont know what I would do. Hemeans the world to me. He is the reason I wake up everyday. And why I have thought so much dfferently about life lately.

Jonathon has tought me that life is short to be serious and that I should enjoy it while I can. He has also tought me to keep my head up and face the tough times in life. This guy puts a smile on my face everyday. Even when I dont even want to. He has tought me to trust a little more and to realize that not every person that walks in my life will hurt me. I know that Jonathon will be there for me no matter what happens and that I can be there for him.

I mean, dont get me wrong, we have our days, our fights and arguments. But they have only made us stronger. And I know that nothnig is perfect and we will have our differences throughout our relationship. He is deffinitely my best friend and I want him to know that. I also want him to know that he is the best support system I have ever had, whether he thinks so or not.

Jonathon, I love you with all my heart and I am so glad that we have eachother. There will be trials in the future as we both know but we will get past them and be stronger then ever! As I have said before.. there is nothing better then our love. And nothing stronger then military love. We can make through anything. And we will! I love youand miss you with all my heart, baby!

With love and compassion,

Danyella, Your babydoll. <3

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