2010 came and gone

I haven't blogged in over a year! This year has been one crazy roller coaster! But I wouldn't change it for the world. I got the opportunity be part of a very special little girl's life by the name of Naomi. She is one amazing angel and will make a difference in this world as she grows older. :)
Trials came and gone, memories were made, dreams were dreamt and wishes were wished. There is a lot that happened this year but I will start off by saying its all worth it in the end! 
January- We went on leave to Washington and spent time with my Family!
February- Hubby was gone for training and I just enjoyed the weather in paradise :)
March- Hubby was still gone but I started hanging out with some awesome Island friends and getting out more. 
May- Hubby is finally home and so is Kris with NAOMI!!! She went and stayed with her grandma for a few months but came back to live with us in Hawaii. Also her 2nd birthday!
June- Hubby is working non-stop and Kris leave on a trip for a week. Naomi and I spend quality time together :)
July- Hubby gets a honorable discharge and leaves the island to go home and get settled while I finishes things in Hawaii. Found an amazing opporunity with a company by the name of Pre-paid legal services! If you have question or want to know more how you can join or get the services click here Prepaid Legal Services. Anyways so back to where we are now...
Jonathon & I are now back in Tennessee where he from. We moved back in Aug of 2010. We found a house of our own and have been living here and love it! We also got a new puppy Named Lilly. We had to give Chester up for adoption while I was still in Hawaii because of complications with travel. If I could take it back I would! I miss that little bugger. But anyhow things are going great. I am working part time as a receptionist and Jon is hired as a security guard with a nationwide company. I just hope thing keep getting better! 

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