Pre-Deployment Trip :)

As everyone probably already knows from FB I got to spend the week down in Louisiana with my love before deployment! We had an amazing few days! I love spending care-free time with just him without a worry in world! My trip down to see him couldn't have been in better! Jonathon is the light of my world! Simply, my everything!
We had a hotel suite in the heart of Baton Rouge. The capital of LA which is also about an hour away from New Orleans. We went sight seeing, casino hopping, Mall shopping, restaurant eating... The whole nine! I would have to say my favorite part of the whole trip was just sleeping in my baby's arms. I could of stayed in that suite all day everyday just to be next to Jonathon. But he is definitely the type that loves to get out and explore!
But with all that being said it comes down to one thing: We had an amazing time! I would change a thing and would do it over again in a heart beat!

Time seems to be slowing down!

So it has finally reached a week since my love left for training & guess what?! I get to go see him tomorrow! I am so excited I can sleep! :D I am only going to be with him for a few days before he leaves for deployment but its better the nothing! This next month is going to be a busy one for me. I am going to be all over the place but im ready for the adventure and well... I guess I deserve it! (as hubby would put it) 
I have been going back and forth on getting rid of place and moving home but I think we are going to keep this place for now until Jonathon get home. Its easier to move to him around to do all the heavy lifting, duh. Kidding.. but this is what he wants so he gets. 
Well not much has really happened since I lost blogged. Just been moping around the house and fixing to start online course will take up some more time. (Yay!) As far as working I cant really find a Job that will work with my travels but hubby doesn't mind me not working right now and frankly neither do I. :P
I am going to try to get some sleep if the clock seems to go any slower it would be going backwards! I need to get my mind of tomorrow and rest I have got a few long EXCITING days ahead of me! :)

Xoxo, Danyella

Here we go again...

Today was a lot harder then I ever suspected...
I had to say good bye to my best friend once again to go out and "fight for whats right" in the world. I'm completely happy for my husband and couldn't be any more proud of him. But, I still miss him and will always prefer him home with me. I was strong all the way up until he start to walk away then... I was devastated! I lost all control and burst into tears in front all the whole airport. Wish there were more people around that understood what I go through but there really is not. I had more curious eyes starring at me then anything. But, I didn't care. I was showing true emotion for the one man that I love more then anything in the world! 
This next few days, weeks, even months are going to be rough but I can do. I have done it before & I can do it again! I haven't been so tired in forever yet I cant seem to close my eyes. All I know is that Melatonin is going to be my best friend while my love is away. lol. We are starting a new chapter in our life and I will do nothing but TRY to be strong and support my husband 110%! I love and miss you more then anything boo. xoxo
Dont let the smile fool you...
I was a complete wreck!
Im going to miss his kisses!