Pre-Deployment Trip :)

As everyone probably already knows from FB I got to spend the week down in Louisiana with my love before deployment! We had an amazing few days! I love spending care-free time with just him without a worry in world! My trip down to see him couldn't have been in better! Jonathon is the light of my world! Simply, my everything!
We had a hotel suite in the heart of Baton Rouge. The capital of LA which is also about an hour away from New Orleans. We went sight seeing, casino hopping, Mall shopping, restaurant eating... The whole nine! I would have to say my favorite part of the whole trip was just sleeping in my baby's arms. I could of stayed in that suite all day everyday just to be next to Jonathon. But he is definitely the type that loves to get out and explore!
But with all that being said it comes down to one thing: We had an amazing time! I would change a thing and would do it over again in a heart beat!

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