Eeek! I hate nightmares!

I know I haven't updated this much but I'll try to keep on top of it as much as I can! We are now in the month of March! I cannot believe how fast these last few have went... Its crazy! Last month was good even though hubby left for deployment, it was has been going alright. Valentine's Day was a drag but then again it has been the last few years... We have yet to spend one together! Maybe next year?! :)
So March is going to be a busy month for me! Its almost our wedding anniversary (which I cannot believe!) and I am getting ready to go home to visit family for a while!!! I am so excited to see everyone. Especially my niece and nephew who I have missed oh so very much! But even in the mist of all this excitement and busy times I still miss my husband!
Last night I start taking my Melatonin (sleep aid) again which I haven't taken in forever! I love it, it helps me sleep and all but one of the side effects of it is nightmares. It didnt fail to remind me either! Not your typical "monster in the closet" or "under your bed" dream either. It was one which is every military loved one's worst fear.
I remember thinking right before I went to bed "I hope my love is alright and doing okay" just as I do the same, every night. But this night was different I had a dream that played off what I was thinking about. I remember falling asleep and waking up to a knock at the door. All I was thinking was "who the hell would come her so early." I walked out to the living room, unlocked the door and saw two officials standing there with some papers. They looked at and me and questionably said my name. I knew right then and there who they were and I was determined to run away. I just began crying and walking backwards towards my room. After a few seconds I woke up.
These guys were here to tell me something happened to my husband. They didn't have to tell who they were or why they were there, I just knew. I hate these kind of nightmares! I would go every night dreaming about monsters in my closet then have one of these all deployment! I really hope I don't have another and hope I hear from hubby soon. I'm sure he is fine but you just never know! Just these small things make me understand why life is so important and to never take anything for granted.
Well its still early and now that I have gotten this off my chest I am going to try and fall back asleep for a little while! I'll keep you all updated on life's lovely adventures!


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