Happy Anniversary To Us!

So today has already started off great! It's our wedding anniversary!! Got to talk to hubby and see him on webcam for a little while! I was so excited. I couldn't have gotten a better husband, life partner & best friend all in ONE! He makes me the happiest girl in the whole entire world! These last two years, married, have been the biggest roller coaster of my life but I wouldn't change a thing! Jonathon is the best thing to ever happen to me!
Our anniversary live chat <3

Jonathon- I love you so much baby! I want you to know that you make me feel like a million bucks! I don't regret anything we have been through and cant wait to see what the future holds for us! You make me so proud of you! I miss you but I hope you have an amazing day at work! :)

Things have been going so well lately! I hope we stay on this good streak for a while! I know Jon & I both deserve it and have been waiting for it. True meaning of happiness for us, is the suffering in between. :)
Thats whats make it all a little bit sweeter!


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