1st Skype date, yeah!!

So today, I finally had my first skype date of the deployment!!! I was so excited when I heard my computer "ring!" Haha, I was asleep and all I hear was the skype call go off and I was up in no time!! I was excited to see my hubby and talk to him and goof off. He makes me heart flutter :)
He makes me so happy! I couldn't tell him enough how much I loved him and how much I cant wait to see him again even though its only been a month! He is very, very sick even though that smile could tell you different! :) He was put on bed rest and took the opportunity to skype me even though his butt should be sleeping. But I cant complain! He always says the sweetest thing to me and they just make me fall harder in love with him! He said "lets not ever have our love die, I couldn't stand to be apart from you." That, right there made me simply smile! He also said "I want you to know I'll love you forever. I hope we get to be together until we grow really old."

I replied with the obvious of course but still wondered if something was wrong. I asked him and he told me that a lot of the guys like to talk about their horror stories of girls leaving them while they are deployed and stealing all of their money and things. He knows I would NEVER hurt him in any way no matter what happens but I know he is only human and it crossed his mind just like it does with every other deployed man!
Nonetheless I had an AMAZING Skype date with him and cant wait for the next one. This man makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world! I couldnt be happier with where we are in life! He really is my soul mate and the best thing that EVER happened to me! The rest of today is definitely going to be a good day no matter what because I got to see and talk to him :D


  1. Thats a really cute post. made me smile :)

  2. and erm..how do I follow you?

  3. Priyanka, Thank you! :)
    There would be a link to follow me, right?! Or do you not see it?

  4. At the very top in the left hand corner next to the search bar is the "follow" button! :)
