Just the smallest things.

Talk to my love today! It made me so sad to see him upset in the beginning of our conversation. I hate that he has to work nights. He doesn't get to enjoy life AT ALL. He told me he misses seeing the sun and being to go places and do stuff when its light outside. This touched me. It made me realize that people take the smallest things for granted in life, every single day! Anyone with me that agrees?
Before I married Jonathon, I would complain about stupid things that I wouldn't dare even let cross my mind now days. I remember when I was younger and how I hated daytime because I always had more fun at night and I would sleep the day away. One thing my husband made me realize is that I shouldn't take advantage of simple things that life gives up. Like a roof over your head, sunlight, home cooked food to eat, etc.
Jon has slept in mud puddles, gone days even weeks without seeing the sun and has eaten plenty of processed boxed food. He doesn't ask for much and if he does its always something simple.
I don't think Jonathon realizes how much he has effected my life and made me appreciate everything that I have. He is the one that made me feel important again... He has showed me that cycles can broken and there is more to life to materialistic things.

Well anyways enough about me going on and on. I'll post a couple pictures of him that I stole today during our chat! :)

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