Doctor offices are not my favorite.

Today has your typical crappy-weather, I-feel-like-"poo" kind of day. On a good note, I may have sold some of my stuff which is awesome! It feels good to start fresh and new :) Nothing like a shopping spree to fill one's void...LOL
I had a doctors appointment today and as I always do; dreaded it! I hate how gross some of them feel and I feel like I shouldn't be touching anything... not even the hand sanitizer to sanitize my hands! Anyone else feel this way? It just bothers me. Maybe its my OCD or just insecurities about getting sick. Either way I would rather stay clear of doctor offices! Besides having to sit in doctors office for two hours feeling as if I am being attacked by "cooties" this whether stinks! It's really bring me down lately! I want some sun and warmth like now! 
On another positive note... I spoke with hubby this morning! Only for about 5 minutes but that is definitely better then nothing!! I manage to grab a few shots of him hopefully he doesn't me showing him off too much. ;) He is good, just tired. That is understandable considering he works 16-18 hour days! He is definitely a trooper. He makes me so proud. I love you baby! 

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