New in home in hometown!

So this last few weeks have been nothing but BUSY... BUSY... BUSY... I have been doing wayyy too much for my own good! I found us a the cutest little new home! I am so excited and cant wait for hubby to come home to see it and E N J O Y it with meee!!! This house is adorable and perfect for us...for now! We will definitely need a bigger one once our little family starts growing :)
Ill post pictures in my next post in a couple days! But its red (like a barn), HUGE yard, Big kitchen and pretty good size living room! 2 bedroom one bath! Cute and perfect :D
I bought brand new chocolate colored couches for the living room! The rest of our stuff is being shipped from Tennessee! I'm so impatient waiting for all my stuff! I also cant wait to get our brand new car! Hopefully only a couple more months of savinggg. :)
Well ill keep you all updated and with pictures too!


Seattle Aquarium & Family visit

Last Sunday was a G R E A T dayyy!! I went up to Booney Lake to visit my Brother Kyle & his parents (Carol & Tim) with my Tip Pee, his wife and two daughters (Julie & Sarah)! They are the cutest girls and even though I am technically a cousin to them they call me "Tia" :) We had a awesome time together! Had some great home cooked food that Carol made and then also went up to Seattle and spent the day at the aquarium and Arcade! It was good to be a kid again and the girls had a blast! I took tons of pictures but here are a few:
I havent seen my brother in so0o0 many years! I am so blessed that no matter how far or how long we go without speaking he will always be my big brother that I can proudly look up to for a n y t h i n g in life!

My Tio Y Tio are the best! I couldn't E V E R have a better support system on my Father's side! I am very lucky to have them in my life! Carol & Tim are angels! MY brother has the B e s t parents a boy could ask for! They couldnt have raised Kyle any better and I am so thankful for that! I love them just as my parents!
We had an awesome time! I cant wait to go up again and spend a few days up there! Im so0o excited!! On top of the aquarium- we went to the Arcade and rode the carousel with the girls! I'll post a video below! :)

my memory is going, going... gone!

Am I forgetting anything?! Could paying bills, running errands, making sure everything is put together and cleaned, getting ready for school & work again and so on really that bad?? I feel like I keep forgetting things or overlooking even the simplest things!! Ugh, I feel like such a complete r e t a r d! Okay so one story about my day... I went out today determined to pay bills and a few other things like go to the ATM, get my car serviced, get a money order pay some bills and send off some stuff. Well when I went to Safeway to pick up my money order I was in a hurry and actually now dont know why BUT I unfortunately was. I was determined to get that money order and have it sent out shortly after. That didn't happened as planned AT ALLL... I walked into Safeway had to pull the money out of the ATM and then go up to customer service to get the money order. The lady was taking forever helping customers in front of me that I became anxious and in a rush! I walked up handed her my cash and was handed back my recite and change as fast as I started to walk away totally forgetting the most important thing I came for!!!
I got home and started searching my purse for the money order I just picked up... I then searched my car and my purse one more time before calling Safeway to realize I paid for a money order and didn't even get it from the lady at the counter!! I walked out so fast she didn't even have a change to hand it to me!!!
Am I a airhead or what?!?! I mean who pays for things and forgets to grab them?! I really hope in reality im not the only one who did this ST U P I D thing! I guess overall though, MY day was successful and I gotwhat I needed to get done, done ...LOL! :)

Genuine Happiness Comes from Within.

I saw this and completely love how this is stated.

"Life isn’t the sweetest candy. Sometimes, when I feel like the world is just too heavy, I look around and find people who continued to live fascinating and wonderful lives. And then thoughts come popping into my mind like bubbles from nowhere – “How did their life become so adorably sweet? How come they still can manage to laugh and play around despite a busy stressful life?” Then I pause and observed for awhile… I figured out that maybe, they start to work on a place called ‘self’.
So, how does one become genuinely happy? Number one step to reach that goal is to love yourself..."
-Scott Reynolds

I think I have gotten to the point where I have now found the happy road and have finally turned down it. I think I am headed in the right direction! :)

I'm not superwoman.

Being home with my family and friends has been the -B E S T- thing for me, right now! I am having the time of my life and have been [[for the most part]] genuinely happy! I still have my 'd a y s' though! I D0o miss my husband more then anyone could EVER imagine but still.... I feel like I am on both sides of the street going down a curvy road. I don't know whether to hide my emotions & just pretend that I am strong enough to do this or show my true feelings and breakdown every time I am "confronted." I will be the first to admit that i'ts hard to do! Sometimes, I feel obligated to just act like living life alone is easy and that it doesn't bother me. But honestly, it does. I mean Jon and I work at it and its working for us but I'm not superwomen. I can only "do" s0o much! Its hard to maintain confidence, waking up everyday with a smile... but I do0o! I do it because I am proud of my husband and what he does!! DONT get me wrong-- I miss him more then anything... Though, I know I cant dwell on him not being by my side 24/7. Some people may want that or even "need" that but I am better then that. I know life is unfair and not everyone gets what they want but I know that in the end I am and will be just as happy as any other girl -IN L0VE!- I live off "knowing" that my husband will come home soon, safe & healthy! :)
I could definitely be in denial about all this but I doubt it. Every time I see Jon's face or hear his voice its all worth the frustration and separation of how our 'p e r f e c t' little life is right now. As weird as that may sound with him being gone for long; we honestly do have something great that not everyone has which makes it that more amazing to say I have my knight and shinning armor! :) Things are good for us and I know that and know to n e v e r take that for granted!
Twinners! Reunited after over 2 years...

I know... I have been slackin on the whole writing thang! LOL :) I have now journeyed to Oregon for a while to be with family and friends. I have had the best last couple of days spending time with my niece and nephew! They are so much fun and getting so big! I so wish my husband could be here to enjoy all this with us!!! Being with family makes me miss him just that much more! I hope it gets a little easier...

My first day here I took the kids with holly to Build-A-Bear!!! They had the most absolute fun, ever! & they got to take home their "babies" they made! They were excited and happy! That is Jon's & I's gift to them for Christmas and birthdays :)

I have had a long B U S Y last couple of days to say the least but I would have it any other way. Its going to be a good year I just wish hubby was here to enjoy it with me. I am just having a hard couple of days being alone... but its part of the "job" and I wouldn't give it up for the world! I'll updated every few days or so!

100 reason to smile :)

So today is the day!!! I am getting ready to head out of here in just a few short hours to Oregon and Washington State! I am so excited I could just burst! But im trying to keep busy until then. But I cant wait to get home and see all my family and friends. Its been a VERY longgg time since I have been home more then a few days. I wish that hubby could go with me but he will as soon as he gets home! I am getting very anxious and doing everything to keep it all together... Its 4 or so in the morning and I just finished packing and putting together Jonathon's care package!
My favorite part is his box was the Jar project. I made one in particular that I named "100 reason to smile!" He has a bajillion reason to smile but 100 should be enough to brighten his mood while he is away :) I decorated a Jar and wrote out on 100 individual pieces of paper reason why my husband should smile. If and when he ever has a bad day or just needs his spirits lifted he can open the jar, pick out one reason and -S M I L E- :) I am so excited for him to get this along with all my letters and cards I have been saving up to send! Also his brand new computer! He is probably most excited about this. I guess I am too so that way I can talk to him more! Well I am off to to finish cleaning and the nresting before a longgg plane ride! Until later... :)

Some nerve people have.

It makes me sick to see how ignorant and selfish America is today! How could one think this is just "payback" and that "the world is better off with a few thousand left of them?" What happened to them was NOT their fault! We should all being willing to help each other out! Last I knew we were all the same HUMAN race! If you are thinking this, I feel sorry for you! We have over 50,000 US troops stationed over and you are going to let them suffer because you don't the US to go help?!?!
I mean seriously. This is just completely appalling to me! How could anyone NOT feel sorry for another human being?! America is completely and utterly shameful nowadays to say the least! We waste no time "borrowing" money from other countries and letting them help us in disasters such as Katrina but as soon as we start sending out help its like hell freezes over! I don't think we should be holding grudges on the past such as the "Pearl Harbor Attack." Yes, they did do that but we turned right around... invaded and bombed them! I think we are pretty even don't you think?

That is rant for the day, Hmph!

When we were dating

...I sent this in a letter to my husband.

I never really knew you
You were just another friend
But when I got to know you,
I let my heart unbend.
I couldn't help past memories
that would only make me cry
I had to forget my first love
and give love another try
So I've fallen in love with you
and I'll never let you go
I love you more than anyone
I just had to let you know
And if you ever wonder why
I don't know what I'll say
But I'll never stop loving you
each and every day
My feelings for you will never change
Just know my feelings are true
Just remember one thing
I Love You!

Oh, the inspiration.

...When I read this I was completely "blown" away... I L O V E D it!

"Never mistake motion for action." -Ernest Hemingway

I really love this quote <3

& last but not least...

To change ones life; Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly. N O expectations. 

Who am I?!

Sometimes I wonder what my "place" is in this crazy so-called world.......

When I think of something to write I go for it, but as soon as my hands touch the keyboard I go blank. I guess this happens to the B E S T of us... Am I right?! :/ 

I have been wondering lately who I am and what my calling is. Everyone wonders what they were meant to do. Why they were sent here to earth or in other words why God gave them their life. I guess this girl going through that right now. I have a lot of time on my hands to think and thats all I do... T H I N K. 
I don't know if this is healthy or if its just me be overly insecure about my thoughts but I guess I'll find out one day... Wont I? 

Wife & husband

Girls calling their boyfriends their "hubby" or "husband" when they are not married is VERY annoying to me. I see a lot lately and it tends to erk me. Its like over using "I Love You!" I posted before about the status on my FB wall that got blown up... Well I added to it after getting so many responses. & here is what I wrote:

For everyone else... I will say "almost, practically, technically" married IS NOT married. It just annoys me how so many people like to play "house" at the ages some of these girls/women are...
In MY opinion, that is a title you earn when you say, I do! It takes a lot of COMMITMENT & SACRIFICE to earn that, obviously starting with your vowels! Again, I am not targeting anyone in particular just in general. It was just how I was feeling about immature girls posting every five minutes about how hard their life is and how their "hubby" this or that. It gets completely and utterly ANNOYING. & even though I CAN & DO delete them off my friends I wanted to write and make my point clear so they can at least get the idea for the future. 
I guess I am just sensitive on the subject because of my situation. haha Whether I "chose" to marry a man who serves our country or not it still gets hard and its irritating to see people taking advantage of the little things in life or trying to skip ahead. Enjoy what you have now! Becuase you never know when it will end... Thats all :)


Just the smallest things.

Talk to my love today! It made me so sad to see him upset in the beginning of our conversation. I hate that he has to work nights. He doesn't get to enjoy life AT ALL. He told me he misses seeing the sun and being to go places and do stuff when its light outside. This touched me. It made me realize that people take the smallest things for granted in life, every single day! Anyone with me that agrees?
Before I married Jonathon, I would complain about stupid things that I wouldn't dare even let cross my mind now days. I remember when I was younger and how I hated daytime because I always had more fun at night and I would sleep the day away. One thing my husband made me realize is that I shouldn't take advantage of simple things that life gives up. Like a roof over your head, sunlight, home cooked food to eat, etc.
Jon has slept in mud puddles, gone days even weeks without seeing the sun and has eaten plenty of processed boxed food. He doesn't ask for much and if he does its always something simple.
I don't think Jonathon realizes how much he has effected my life and made me appreciate everything that I have. He is the one that made me feel important again... He has showed me that cycles can broken and there is more to life to materialistic things.

Well anyways enough about me going on and on. I'll post a couple pictures of him that I stole today during our chat! :)

One of those Moods.

So today I was feeling like I was in a rut. Havent one of my "down" days and just feeling like crap. & every time I seem to log into facebook I see some ungrate little girl complaining about her life sucks so much and how she cant see her "hubby" who mind you, isnt her hubby AT ALL. They are not married and should never get married in my opinion. I eventually posted how I felt and boyyy did my wall get blown up with comments! Good, bad, or just curious who I was talking about I didnt see anymore complaining after that LOL. & it felt good to let a little steam out.
After the 90298388409032... time of get pissed off and annoyed I wrote this on my status: 

"Seriously, quit whining about 'this or that'. Quit thinking you have it worse then anyone else. 
Quit saying your married when you really aren't. & Quit using someone else last name when its NOT yours. 
Most of you and your significant others have made choices to make things the way they are. Ugh, grow up."

Its LEGIT. To say the least :) 

Doctor offices are not my favorite.

Today has your typical crappy-weather, I-feel-like-"poo" kind of day. On a good note, I may have sold some of my stuff which is awesome! It feels good to start fresh and new :) Nothing like a shopping spree to fill one's void...LOL
I had a doctors appointment today and as I always do; dreaded it! I hate how gross some of them feel and I feel like I shouldn't be touching anything... not even the hand sanitizer to sanitize my hands! Anyone else feel this way? It just bothers me. Maybe its my OCD or just insecurities about getting sick. Either way I would rather stay clear of doctor offices! Besides having to sit in doctors office for two hours feeling as if I am being attacked by "cooties" this whether stinks! It's really bring me down lately! I want some sun and warmth like now! 
On another positive note... I spoke with hubby this morning! Only for about 5 minutes but that is definitely better then nothing!! I manage to grab a few shots of him hopefully he doesn't me showing him off too much. ;) He is good, just tired. That is understandable considering he works 16-18 hour days! He is definitely a trooper. He makes me so proud. I love you baby! 

Love Letter.

Today has been like every other day... Nothing too exciting but yet not boring. Just ordinary. Right before I went to bed I checked my email and to much of my surprised I received an email from my love asking me if I had received his "Love letter" yet and to send him his new computer. 
I was so excited to find out I DID receive his love letter and only read a few lines before the tears came a rolling!! He definitely means the world to me and never fails to amaze me! This man is my one and only and like I say everyday I couldn't ask for anyone better! i'll share a piece of his letter with all of you so everyone can see what I am talking about :) 

‎...We'll be together soon enough. We continue to endure these challenges that God lays before us but know that they make us stronger together in the end and will forge an unbreakable bond between us that no one can compromise.

Tonight I want you to close your pretty eyes and picture me sittin' high atop in a box at night. Look into my eyes and see that I only have you on my mind. Hour after hour, day by day, week after week, month by month you're stuck to me like glue. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you..."

I cant say it enough but he one wonderful man. I am so happy that God blessed me with him as my soul mate. I know after reading this I will sleep good tonight. <3

Happy Anniversary To Us!

So today has already started off great! It's our wedding anniversary!! Got to talk to hubby and see him on webcam for a little while! I was so excited. I couldn't have gotten a better husband, life partner & best friend all in ONE! He makes me the happiest girl in the whole entire world! These last two years, married, have been the biggest roller coaster of my life but I wouldn't change a thing! Jonathon is the best thing to ever happen to me!
Our anniversary live chat <3

Jonathon- I love you so much baby! I want you to know that you make me feel like a million bucks! I don't regret anything we have been through and cant wait to see what the future holds for us! You make me so proud of you! I miss you but I hope you have an amazing day at work! :)

Things have been going so well lately! I hope we stay on this good streak for a while! I know Jon & I both deserve it and have been waiting for it. True meaning of happiness for us, is the suffering in between. :)
Thats whats make it all a little bit sweeter!


Washer & Dryer, YIPEE!

So today has been a fabulous day! Found a washer and dryer and got it delivered tonight! Sooo excited! I dont think I have been this excited to do laundry in... well... EVER!! On top of that I cleaned my whole house, did all my dishes and cant wait to start my first load of laundry here in a bit!
I also got to talk to hubby for over two hours today!!! He got his first "rest" day since he has been there! I was so excited! Cannot wait til he gets his new computer in the mail so we can talk more!! WOOOT :)
That smile makes me day just that much better! <3
Well hope my week or better yet MONTH keeps going this grrreeeaaatt!!! Off to start laundry....


1st Skype date, yeah!!

So today, I finally had my first skype date of the deployment!!! I was so excited when I heard my computer "ring!" Haha, I was asleep and all I hear was the skype call go off and I was up in no time!! I was excited to see my hubby and talk to him and goof off. He makes me heart flutter :)
He makes me so happy! I couldn't tell him enough how much I loved him and how much I cant wait to see him again even though its only been a month! He is very, very sick even though that smile could tell you different! :) He was put on bed rest and took the opportunity to skype me even though his butt should be sleeping. But I cant complain! He always says the sweetest thing to me and they just make me fall harder in love with him! He said "lets not ever have our love die, I couldn't stand to be apart from you." That, right there made me simply smile! He also said "I want you to know I'll love you forever. I hope we get to be together until we grow really old."

I replied with the obvious of course but still wondered if something was wrong. I asked him and he told me that a lot of the guys like to talk about their horror stories of girls leaving them while they are deployed and stealing all of their money and things. He knows I would NEVER hurt him in any way no matter what happens but I know he is only human and it crossed his mind just like it does with every other deployed man!
Nonetheless I had an AMAZING Skype date with him and cant wait for the next one. This man makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world! I couldnt be happier with where we are in life! He really is my soul mate and the best thing that EVER happened to me! The rest of today is definitely going to be a good day no matter what because I got to see and talk to him :D

Eeek! I hate nightmares!

I know I haven't updated this much but I'll try to keep on top of it as much as I can! We are now in the month of March! I cannot believe how fast these last few have went... Its crazy! Last month was good even though hubby left for deployment, it was has been going alright. Valentine's Day was a drag but then again it has been the last few years... We have yet to spend one together! Maybe next year?! :)
So March is going to be a busy month for me! Its almost our wedding anniversary (which I cannot believe!) and I am getting ready to go home to visit family for a while!!! I am so excited to see everyone. Especially my niece and nephew who I have missed oh so very much! But even in the mist of all this excitement and busy times I still miss my husband!
Last night I start taking my Melatonin (sleep aid) again which I haven't taken in forever! I love it, it helps me sleep and all but one of the side effects of it is nightmares. It didnt fail to remind me either! Not your typical "monster in the closet" or "under your bed" dream either. It was one which is every military loved one's worst fear.
I remember thinking right before I went to bed "I hope my love is alright and doing okay" just as I do the same, every night. But this night was different I had a dream that played off what I was thinking about. I remember falling asleep and waking up to a knock at the door. All I was thinking was "who the hell would come her so early." I walked out to the living room, unlocked the door and saw two officials standing there with some papers. They looked at and me and questionably said my name. I knew right then and there who they were and I was determined to run away. I just began crying and walking backwards towards my room. After a few seconds I woke up.
These guys were here to tell me something happened to my husband. They didn't have to tell who they were or why they were there, I just knew. I hate these kind of nightmares! I would go every night dreaming about monsters in my closet then have one of these all deployment! I really hope I don't have another and hope I hear from hubby soon. I'm sure he is fine but you just never know! Just these small things make me understand why life is so important and to never take anything for granted.
Well its still early and now that I have gotten this off my chest I am going to try and fall back asleep for a little while! I'll keep you all updated on life's lovely adventures!


Pre-Deployment Trip :)

As everyone probably already knows from FB I got to spend the week down in Louisiana with my love before deployment! We had an amazing few days! I love spending care-free time with just him without a worry in world! My trip down to see him couldn't have been in better! Jonathon is the light of my world! Simply, my everything!
We had a hotel suite in the heart of Baton Rouge. The capital of LA which is also about an hour away from New Orleans. We went sight seeing, casino hopping, Mall shopping, restaurant eating... The whole nine! I would have to say my favorite part of the whole trip was just sleeping in my baby's arms. I could of stayed in that suite all day everyday just to be next to Jonathon. But he is definitely the type that loves to get out and explore!
But with all that being said it comes down to one thing: We had an amazing time! I would change a thing and would do it over again in a heart beat!

Time seems to be slowing down!

So it has finally reached a week since my love left for training & guess what?! I get to go see him tomorrow! I am so excited I can sleep! :D I am only going to be with him for a few days before he leaves for deployment but its better the nothing! This next month is going to be a busy one for me. I am going to be all over the place but im ready for the adventure and well... I guess I deserve it! (as hubby would put it) 
I have been going back and forth on getting rid of place and moving home but I think we are going to keep this place for now until Jonathon get home. Its easier to move to him around to do all the heavy lifting, duh. Kidding.. but this is what he wants so he gets. 
Well not much has really happened since I lost blogged. Just been moping around the house and fixing to start online course will take up some more time. (Yay!) As far as working I cant really find a Job that will work with my travels but hubby doesn't mind me not working right now and frankly neither do I. :P
I am going to try to get some sleep if the clock seems to go any slower it would be going backwards! I need to get my mind of tomorrow and rest I have got a few long EXCITING days ahead of me! :)

Xoxo, Danyella

Here we go again...

Today was a lot harder then I ever suspected...
I had to say good bye to my best friend once again to go out and "fight for whats right" in the world. I'm completely happy for my husband and couldn't be any more proud of him. But, I still miss him and will always prefer him home with me. I was strong all the way up until he start to walk away then... I was devastated! I lost all control and burst into tears in front all the whole airport. Wish there were more people around that understood what I go through but there really is not. I had more curious eyes starring at me then anything. But, I didn't care. I was showing true emotion for the one man that I love more then anything in the world! 
This next few days, weeks, even months are going to be rough but I can do. I have done it before & I can do it again! I haven't been so tired in forever yet I cant seem to close my eyes. All I know is that Melatonin is going to be my best friend while my love is away. lol. We are starting a new chapter in our life and I will do nothing but TRY to be strong and support my husband 110%! I love and miss you more then anything boo. xoxo
Dont let the smile fool you...
I was a complete wreck!
Im going to miss his kisses! 

Taxes are filed & only 24 hours left!

So today is the day before my husband leaves for training as a civilian contractor. I cant believe its already that time! What happened to the time? Where does it go? At least this time around I'll remember to keep up to date with blogging so everyone knows the inside scoop :) 
Tomorrow is February and I can't believe it!  It's almost time to start school again and begin a new chapter for us. Now that taxes for filed we can officially enjoy this new year and embrace it with as much positive energy as we want!  That is what I am going to do. I mean. I could be a "Debbie downer" or a "negative Nancy" but why? Where does it get you when all you think about it the negative side of thing? I know! No where! :) 
Im going to make this short but I'll make sure to write more often! My new year resolution... to keep up on this! 

2010 came and gone

I haven't blogged in over a year! This year has been one crazy roller coaster! But I wouldn't change it for the world. I got the opportunity be part of a very special little girl's life by the name of Naomi. She is one amazing angel and will make a difference in this world as she grows older. :)
Trials came and gone, memories were made, dreams were dreamt and wishes were wished. There is a lot that happened this year but I will start off by saying its all worth it in the end! 
January- We went on leave to Washington and spent time with my Family!
February- Hubby was gone for training and I just enjoyed the weather in paradise :)
March- Hubby was still gone but I started hanging out with some awesome Island friends and getting out more. 
May- Hubby is finally home and so is Kris with NAOMI!!! She went and stayed with her grandma for a few months but came back to live with us in Hawaii. Also her 2nd birthday!
June- Hubby is working non-stop and Kris leave on a trip for a week. Naomi and I spend quality time together :)
July- Hubby gets a honorable discharge and leaves the island to go home and get settled while I finishes things in Hawaii. Found an amazing opporunity with a company by the name of Pre-paid legal services! If you have question or want to know more how you can join or get the services click here Prepaid Legal Services. Anyways so back to where we are now...
Jonathon & I are now back in Tennessee where he from. We moved back in Aug of 2010. We found a house of our own and have been living here and love it! We also got a new puppy Named Lilly. We had to give Chester up for adoption while I was still in Hawaii because of complications with travel. If I could take it back I would! I miss that little bugger. But anyhow things are going great. I am working part time as a receptionist and Jon is hired as a security guard with a nationwide company. I just hope thing keep getting better!